Census of South Australian plants, algae and fungi
The Census of SA Plants, Algae and Fungi provides a summary of the current state of scientific knowledge of the flora of South Australia. It is continually reviewed by the taxonomic botanists and research associates of the State Herbarium of South Australia.
The Census lists current scientific names of plants with their regional distribution within South Australia. The term 'plants' covers major groups such as vascular plants (flowering plants, conifers and ferns), bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) and lichens.
The fifth Edition of the census, Census of South Australian Vascular Plants, was published in 2005 and is available in hard copy or online. The census information is also accessible as a searchable online database through the Census of South Australia Plants, Algae and Fungi.
Lists of names that are currently accepted for entry into the BDBSA can be viewed and downloaded from vascular plants BDBSA taxonomy and fungus, lichen & bryophyte BDBSA taxonomy.