Topics > Crown land

Application forms and fees

Online application forms

You may submit your application together with payment by Visa or Mastercard using the forms below. The FAQ document contains further information. For further queries about the online forms please email

If you would prefer to pay the fee for one of these applications by cheque we will need to provide you with an alternate form. Please email and tell us the type of application that you wish to submit.

Approval is required if a custodian, lessee or licensee plans to develop or build structures on the Crown land they hold tenure over. Applications may be submitted online (no payment is required).

PDF application forms

Most of the application forms below are being converted to the online format for easy credit card payment and will be available soon. Either post your completed form to the Crown Lands Program with a cheque or email it to and request that we contact you for credit card payment.



Dedicated land

Purchasing Crown land

Additional forms

Other Crown land fees

The Crown Land Management (Fees) Notice 2024 includes details of fees including application fees.

You will be invoiced for other Crown land fees such as annual licence fees. Several payment options are available as described in the payment instructions at the bottom of the invoice.

If you have a payment query, contact the department’s finance division on phone (08) 8204 9263 and quote your customer/payment reference number.

Permits, development and unsolicited proposals

Find out how to apply for a permit, or develop on Crown land, or lodge an unsolicited proposal.