
It’s thought that three vessels were deliberately sunk near Whyalla, but this information has not been verified. Further research and survey work is necessary to identify and document vessel remains.

If you have information regarding these vessels, or any others in the Whyalla area, contact Heritage South Australia on 08 8124 4960 or DEWheritage@sa.gov.au.

Download the fact sheet for more information.


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Location: -33.161233 °S 137.642781 °E

Vessel type: tug

The wreck of the ex-tug Leeton, approximately 12km south-southeast of Whyalla, is well-known by local divers. It lies in the main shipping channel, at a depth of approximately 22m. The vessel’s superstructure (cabin and wheelhouse) has been torn off by prawn trawl netting. The hull remaining is draped in prawn nets. The forward hatch is open and the opening where the cabin/wheelhouse were are both almost completely filled with silt. An extensive artificial reef is located immediately south of Leeton.

Download the fact sheet for more information.

Unidentified Barge

[No image available]

Location: unknown

Vessel type: barge

Anecdotal records suggest that an unidentified barge was sunk about 22km from Black Point. No further details are available.

Unidentified Vessel

[No image available]

Location: unknown

Vessel type: unknown

Anecdotal records suggest that an unidentified vessel was sunk about 12.4km from shore. No further details are available.