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Plans, strategies and policies in preparation

During the preparation of some management plans, strategies and policies, the department provides an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to be involved in the planning process.

To make a submission or comment on a plan, strategy or policy in development, refer to the information below or visit the yourSAy website.

The following plans, strategies and policies are currently in preparation:

Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Management Plan

Public consultation on the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary Management Plan has now closed. The final plan is being prepared.

Contact Team Leader, Park Management Program Kym Rumbelow on 0411 779 623 or to get involved.

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Deep Creek National Park, Talisker Conservation Park and small parks of the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula Management Plan

The Deep Creek National Park, Talisker Conservation Park and small parks of the Southern Fleurieu Peninsula Draft Management Plan has been released for public consultation. For more information on the draft plan and how to make a submission visit YourSay. Public consultation closes 5pm Monday 23 December 2024. A copy of the draft plan is available here.

Contact Senior Policy Officer Rachel Pfitzner at get involved.

Status: Draft plan released for public consultation.

Dingley Dell Conservation Park

Public consultation on the Dingley Dell Conservation Park Draft Management Plan has now closed. The final plan is being prepared.

Contact Planning and Policy Officer, Park Management Program Andrew Raymond at to find out more.

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park Management Plan

Public consultation on the Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre National Park Management Plan has now closed. The final plan is being prepared.

Contact Team Leader, Park Management Program Kym Rumbelow on 0411 779 623 or

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Lawari Conservation Park Management Plan

Contact Team Leader, Park Management Program Kym Rumbelow on 0411 779 623 or

Status: Draft plan in preparation.

Managing Total Grazing Pressure Amendments

Public consultation on the draft amendments to 31 management plans has closed. The changes aim to better manage total grazing pressure impacts on conservation values in parks across South Australia. The final plan amendments are being prepared.

Status: Final amendments in preparation.

Northern Lofty Woodland Parks Management Plan

Public consultation on a draft management plan incorporating Sandy Creek Conservation Park, Charleston Conservation Park, Cromer Conservation Park, Warren Conservation Park, Hale Conservation Park, Cudlee Creek Conservation Park and Wiljani Conservation Park has now closed.

Contact Park Planning Officer Rebecca Brown at to get involved.

Status: Final amendments in preparation.

Nuyts Archipelago and Investigator Group Wilderness Protection Areas Management Plan

Public consultation on the draft Nuyts Archipelago and Investigator Group Wilderness Protection Areas Management Plan has closed.

Contact Planning and Policy Officer Andrew Raymond on (08) 8124 4737 or for more information.

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Parks of Eastern Kangaroo Island Management Plan

Incorporating Baudin, Beatrice Islet, Busby Islet, Cape Willoughby, Cygnet Estuary, Dudley, Lashmar, Lesueur, Nepean Bay, Pelican Lagoon, and Simpson Conservation parks.

Public consultation on the Parks of Eastern Kangaroo Island Draft Management Plan has closed and the final plan is being prepared.

Contact Park Planning Officer, Jacob Arnold on for more information.

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Parks of Lower Eastern Eyre Peninsula Management Plan

Incorporating Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area, Lincoln National Park, Sleaford Mere Conservation Park and Lincoln Conservation Park.

Public consultation on the Lower Eastern Eyre Peninsula Parks Draft Management Plan has now closed.

Contact Planning and Policy Officer, Park Management Program, Andrew Raymond at to get involved.

Status: Final plan in preparation.

Small Eyre Hills and Mallee Parks Management Plan

Incorporating Yeldulknie Conservation Park, Rudall Conservation Park, Middlecamp Hills Conservation Park, Darke Range Conservation Park, Carappee Hill Conservation Park and Caralue Bluff Conservation Park.

Contact Park Planning Officer, Rebecca Brown on to get involved.

Status: Draft plan in preparation.

Amendment to Parks of Western and Central Kangaroo Island Management Plan 2022

Public consultation on the draft Amendments to the Parks of Western and Central Kangaroo Island Management Plan 2022 has closed. The final plan amendments are being prepared.

Contact Kym Rumbelow, Team Leader Co-management and Park Planning on for more information.

Status: Final amendments in preparation.

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