Open seasons for duck and quail hunting have been declared for South Australia in 2025.

Duck open season begins at sunrise on Saturday 22 March 2025 and ends at sunset on Sunday 29 June 2025.

Quail open season begins at sunrise on Saturday 26 April 2025 and ends at sunset on Sunday 27 July 2025.

For more information about permits see Hunting permits. Duck and Quail hunting permits are not currently available.

In South Australia hunting native game birds may be permitted as part of an annually declared, managed and regulated ‘open season’. Hunters and people assisting hunters must get a hunting permit that is issued under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972.

Native bird open season

The season declarations follow an assessment of climate data and forecasts, landscape and wetland condition, and waterfowl abundance. The potential impacts of hunting activities on the conservation and sustainability of waterfowl populations and stakeholder feedback is also considered as part of the assessment. The information used in the assessment includes:

  • Bureau of Meteorology data
  • The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) wetland and waterfowl surveys
  • the Eastern Australia Waterbird Survey
  • various remotely sensed landscape condition data.

Recommendations for the next year’s duck hunting and quail hunting open seasons are based on the current year’s data and forecasts for the following year. DEW prepares a Waterfowl, environment and climate conditions and forecasts report each year that summarises this data.

The Minister may revoke or revise the open season declarations prior to or during an open season if conditions deteriorate or circumstances change, such as the emergence of H5 bird flu.

Open season information

A duck hunting open season has been declared for 2025.

To find out about the general conditions that will apply to the 2025 open season, see Duck hunting.

A quail hunting open season has been declared for 2025.

To find out about the general conditions that will apply to the 2025 open season, see Quail hunting.

H5 avian influenza (bird flu) and hunting

While Australia currently remains free of H5 Bird Flu, DEW will continue to monitor the situation and advise the Minister if any risks emerge that require changes to the open season declaration.

Reporting requirements

Bird flu is a nationally notifiable disease. Hunting permit holders are encouraged to notify animal health authorities if you suspect an animal is infected. Given duck and quail hunters will be in contact with at risk birds, it is important you know the signs to look for. Please refer to the Department for Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) information on the signs of H5 bird flu.

Report multiple sick birds or unusual bird deaths to the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888.

Further general information on H5 bird flu can be found at, including information for hunters having contact with wildlife. Personal protective equipment and hand hygiene are strongly encouraged. Other resources include:

Mandatory hunting survey

Open season hunting permit holders are required to complete a hunting survey within 30 days of the conclusion of the open season. This survey provides useful information on species populations and distribution valuable towards the declaration of future open seasons.

To complete your 2024 hunting survey please complete this form as found in your permit documents or complete the online survey.


An open season hunting permit is required to hunt or assist someone to hunt native birds in South Australia each season.

Open season Duck Hunting Permits and Quail Hunting Permits are not currently available. For more permit information see Hunting permits.

Parliamentary inquiry on hunting of native birds in South Australia

A Select Committee of the Legislative Council was established in 2023 to inquire into and report on the Hunting of Native Birds, with particular reference to:

  • Community values and perspective
  • Cultural, social and recreational aspects
  • Sustainability, environmental and animal welfare aspects of native bird hunting
  • Economic considerations
  • Perspectives of First Nations
  • How native bird hunting is managed in other jurisdictions
  • Any other relevant matter.

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) provided evidence to the Select Committee inquiry on 24 May 2023. The Report of the Select Committee on Hunting Native Birds was published on 14 December 2023. The Committee made 11 recommendations in its report (16 including sub-recommendations). For more information, see the government response to the report.