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Licences & permits

Filming and photography

National parks and reserves

If you are planning to undertake any filming or still photography in South Australia’s parks and reserves for commercial purposes*, then under Section 35 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and Regulation 36(a) of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016 you may require a Commercial Filming Agreement or Photography Permit.

To enquire about your intended filming or photography activity, please contact Parks Licensing and Events on (08) 8204 9060 or

In all cases it is a requirement that the Guidelines for Commercial Filming and Photography in Parks are followed.

News media (television, radio, print and internet) should contact the DEW media team.

* Filming or photography is defined as “commercial” when the intention is to promote a product or service and/or achieve financial gain from the filming or photography.

Drones (remotely piloted aircraft)

It is an offense to fly drones (remotely piloted aircraft) in South Australia's national parks, reserves and marine park restricted access zones without a permit. Permits are considered for scientific research and commercial filming.

How to apply

Permit typeFind out more
One-off projects filming and photography permit application formFor ‘one-off’ commercial filming or still photography projects only
Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park permit application form

For commercial filming or still photography in Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park.
See the Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park commercial filming and photography information pack.

Application enquiries to (08) 8204 9060.

Lake Gairdner National Park permit application formFor commercial filming or still photography in Lake Gairdner National Park.
See the Lake Gairdner National Park zone map.

Kanku-Breakaways Conservation Park Filming applications

For commercial filming or still photography in Kanku-Breakaways Conservation Park please see “Commercial Activities in the Park”

Submit your completed application form to:

Parks Licensing and Events
Department for Environment and Water
GPO Box 1047

More information

Applications to film or photograph will need to provide sufficient information to demonstrate the intended activity is consistent with the objectives of the relevant Act and park management plan and will not impact on the park or other users. Applicants are also encouraged to refer to the relevant regulations to ensure any associated activity is not otherwise prohibited.

Please refer to the relevant Regulations below:

Please note:

  • Special conditions specific to the nature of the activity and the park(s) may be included in Agreements and Permits.
  • Please ensure you allow sufficient time for your application to be processed prior to your intended activity. It is recommended you provide at least 21 days’ notice.
  • Late fees apply for applications received less than 14 days prior to the date of filming.

Co-managed parks

Some parks are managed jointly with Aboriginal people and is referred to as co-operative management Where co-management occurs, it may take longer to process your application.

Please contact us as early as possible to discuss requirements if your intended activity involves any of the co-managed parks.

Eyre Peninsula

  • Lake Gairdner National Park

Far West

Limestone Coast

Murray River

Flinders Ranges & Outback

Marine Parks

South Australia’s marine park network offers world class filming and photography opportunities. Find out more about permits for filming and photography in marine parks.

Botanic Gardens

The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide offers Adelaide’s most spectacular filming locations with a wide range of natural scenic backdrops, glasshouses and period architecture. Find out more about permits for filming and photography in the Botanic Gardens of Adelaide.