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Animals in sport – Rodeo Permits

If you wish to hold a rodeo in South Australia you must have a Rodeo Permit issued by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation and pay the appropriate fee.

An application for a Rodeo Permit must be lodged at least 28 days prior to the proposed event and all people associated with a rodeo must comply with the Animal Welfare Act 1985 and Animal Welfare Regulations 2012.

To comply with the Animal Welfare Regulations 2012 you must:

  • ensure sufficient fencing to protect spectators and prevent injury to the animals at the rodeo
  • have a designated veterinarian onsite during prescribed rodeo events involving the use of animals.

Due to changes to the Animal Welfare Regulations 2012, reports are no longer required.

The cost for a rodeo permit is $90 from 1 July 2023.

Alternatively contact:

Phone: (+61 8) 8207 7731