Topics > Native vegetation

Accredited consultants

The role of Accredited Consultants is to prepare Data Reports for applications to clear native vegetation.

Data reports may be prepared for applications under:

  • Section 28 of the Native Vegetation Act 1991
  • the Risk Assessment pathway (Regulation 12) of the Native Vegetation Regulations 2017, including for:
    • major developments and projects under the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016
    • mining and petroleum activities
    • works on behalf of Commissioner of Highways
    • a new dwelling or building
    • infrastructure
    • residential subdivision
    • recreation track
    • commercial vehicle access track exceeding 5 metres
    • new dam and expansion of dam (pastoral areas).

Accredited Consultants can also be engaged to undertake vegetation assessments to develop Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB) Management Plans.

Accredited Consultants are endorsed by the Native Vegetation Council.

The Native Vegetation Branch audits all data reports and undertakes site verifications where necessary.

List of Accredited Consultants

View a list of Accredited Consultants.

SOLD OUT - Accredited Consultant Training to be held on 5 & 6 November 2024

If you are interested in becoming an Accredited Consultant, the NVC will be undertaking Accreditation Training in the near future. Timing to be determined based on interest. If you would like to register your interest please refer to, and complete, the eligibility criteria within the Application Form and register via

Tools for Accredited Consultants

Engaging an Accredited Consultant

If you need a Data Report for an application to clear native vegetation for any of the activities listed above, you must engage an Accredited Consultant.

The Accredited Consultant will prepare your application and send it to the Native Vegetation Council. The consultant will apply the Native Vegetation Council's policies to prepare the Data Report.

Applications submitted under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 or Native Vegetation Regulations 2017 will be made public and be subject to 28 days of consultation.

If you are not sure when you need to engage an Accredited Consultant:

Trained Arborists - Regulation 8(6) Safety

If clearance is proposed to manage vegetation that poses an unacceptable risk to the safety of persons and property, a Native Vegetation Trained Arborist should be engaged to conduct an assessment. A Tree Risk Assessment Report (Template found here) is required to be submitted in accordance with Regulation 8(6) - safety of persons or property.

View a list of Native Vegetation Trained Arborists.