Topics > Native vegetation > Clearing Native Vegetation

Clearance application forms

An application to clear native vegetation is required for all naturally occurring native vegetation on public and private land throughout South Australia, with the exception of some areas of metropolitan Adelaide (see our maps to find out if your area is exempt).

Approval to clear is required for all native plants, including dead trees in some instances, as they may provide habitat for animals.

Clearance includes, but is not limited to:

  • the cutting down, destruction or removal of whole plants
  • the removal of branches, limbs, stems or trunks (including brushcutting and woodcutting)
  • burning
  • poisoning
  • slashing of understorey
  • drainage and reclamation of wetlands
  • grazing by animals (in some circumstances).

To find out if you need to apply, check instructions about your proposed clearance activity.

Note - Even if the Native Vegetation Council (NVC) approves your clearance application you may still have to apply to your local council or other relevant organisation for additional approvals.

Application forms

We recommend that you submit applications at least 10 weeks before you require a decision.

Guide for applications to clear

For detailed information on the application and assessment process and how it works, read our Guide for applications to clear native vegetation.

The guide explains the assessment criteria for clearance applications made under the Native Vegetation Act 1991 versus the Native Vegetation Regulations 2017.

Application to clear under the Regulations

Use this form if your proposed clearance is listed in the Native Vegetation Regulations 2017 (check our clearing page to confirm).

  • Apply using the online portal to clear native vegetation under the Regulations. Should you have any issues in submitting your application via the online portal, please contact the Native Vegetation Branch at

Application to clear under the Act

Use this form if your proposed clearance is not listed in the Native Vegetation Regulations 2017.

  • Apply using the online portal to clear native vegetation under the Act. Should you have any issues in submitting your application via the online portal, please contact the Native Vegetation Branch at
  • Be aware there is an application fee of $729 associated with clearance under the Act. The application fee does reduce to $177 per individual tree up to a maximum of four trees. i.e. the application fee for 2 trees is $354. However, the fee will be calculated during the online portal application.

Consider other Acts

Approval to remove vegetation does not give you consent under other Acts, such as the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016.

The NVC encourages you to consider if your activities could impact sites of indigenous significance. Please refer to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet's Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation for further information.

Further information

For further assistance with your clearance application and native vegetation management plans, including ones that have been submitted and are awaiting approval, contact the Native Vegetation Branch via email at or submit an online enquiry.