River Murray Business Levee Embankments Remediation and Construction Grant (open to 31 May 2023)
Applications for the business levee embankment construction grants will be accepted up to 31 May 2023. The grants are available for works that commenced from 1 October 2022 and completed by 31 January 2023.
In preparation for the 2022-23 River Murray flood event, it is acknowledged that some businesses are investing in the remediation of existing, or construction of new levee embankments to protect their assets.
Grants of up to $50,000 per business (on a 50% cost share arrangement) to assist businesses with the remediation of existing or construction of new levee embankments. To apply for funding or to obtain information about the criteria and terms and conditions, please download the River Murray Business Levee Embankments Remediation and Construction Grant, application form submit with required documentation by 31 May 2023. Should you have multiple invoices for the works, please list them on the Record of Invoices spreadsheet and include this with your application and receipts.
The Riverland Emergency Works – General Design Requirements Specification is a guide for undertaking levee embankment remediation or construction works to ensure that there is consistency of design approach along the River.
The specifications provided are designed to provide temporary protection and should not be relied upon for permanent protection.
If this document is used as a basis for remediation or construction works, the works must be completed in accordance with the specification to be compliant with the River Murray Business Levee Embankments Remediation and Construction Grant.
River Murray Business Levee Engineering Support Grant
Applications for the business levee embankment engineering support grants will be accepted up to 31 May 2023. The grants are available for engineering services received between 1 October 2022 and 31 January 2023.
To ensure integrity of the remediated or newly constructed levee embankments, accredited engineering advice is required to ensure they are remediated or constructed appropriately.
Grants up to $1,000 per business for engineering advice in the remediation or construction of levee banks (additional funding may be granted subject to application). To apply or for information about the criteria, and terms and conditions, please download the River Murray Business Levee Engineering Support Grant. Applications close 31 May 2023.
An FAQ for the River Murray business levee embankment grants is also available.
To note
Note that independent of this grant process, the SA State Emergency Service (SASES) and Department for Environment and Water (DEW) have been inspecting some private levees with respect to public safety concerns.
Where substandard structures have given rise to concerns for community safety, the SASES has been requiring levee owners to provide documentation on the engineering standards and design specifications. In instances where assurances cannot be provided the SASES may take action to restrict or prohibit activities in some locations eg behind some levees.
Important note - approval of funding under this scheme does not imply any endorsement by DEW or SASES for a particular business activity behind the levee structure for which a grant has been received. Where areas of flood risk behind levee structures give rise to a community safety risk, the SASES may impose restrictions to restrict access to relevant areas of risk.