Open seasons for duck and quail hunting were declared for South Australia in 2024. The duck and quail hunting seasons are now closed.

South Australian legislation allows for properly managed and regulated hunting of some native birds by licensed shooters under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972and regulations. Hunting is permitted as part of an ‘open season’, which is declared annually based on several factors.

2024 Open season for duck hunting and quail hunting

The season declarations follow an assessment of:

  • climate data and forecasts,
  • landscape and wetland condition, and
  • waterfowl abundance.

The potential impacts of hunting activities on the conservation and sustainability of waterfowl populations and stakeholder feedback was also considered as part of the assessment. The information used in this assessment included:

  • Bureau of Meteorology data,
  • DEW wetland and waterfowl surveys,
  • the Eastern Australia Waterbird Survey,
  • stubble quail surveys undertaken by the Conservation and Hunting Alliance of South Australia, and
  • various remotely sensed landscape condition data.

Recommendation for the 2024 duck hunting open season and quail hunting open season was based on 2023 data and forecasts for 2024. DEW prepares a report each year that summarises this data, which is available here.

The Minister may revoke or revise the open season declarations prior to or during open seasons if should conditions deteriorate or circumstances change.

Information on specific permits required for hunting duck and quail, details of the open seasons, and useful resources can be found in the related links below.