Native Vegetation Heritage Agreements (NVHA) are helping to maintain important ecosystems in South Australia.

Since the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement program was first introduced in 1980, more than 1700 landholders have agreed to ensure the long-term protection of over 1 million hectares of the state’s native vegetation.

Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement Grant Program 2023-2026

The South Australian Government is providing $6 million to support existing Heritage Agreements and to enable new Heritage Agreements. Supporting landowners in maintaining and enhancing these areas is critical to building ecological resilience to climate change.

If you are an existing Heritage Agreement owner, we encourage you to get involved with the Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement (NVHA) Grant Program by submitting an expression of interest. For information about the program please visit the NVHA Grant Program page.

Native Vegetation Council Heritage Agreement Incentive Grants 2024-2026

If you are interested in a new Heritage Agreement or wanting to expand an existing Heritage Agreement, the Native Vegetation Council are offering landowners the opportunity to apply for an Incentive Grant. This opportunity is additional to the NVHA Grant Program and is being funded by the Native Vegetation Council.

These grants will fund short term (1 - 5 years) projects that help to protect native vegetation and enhance its condition.

The program is available to all landowners across South Australia. Applications can be submitted any time before 30 June 2026. However, landowners are encouraged to apply early for the best chance of securing funding. The opportunity to apply maybe withdrawn once funding is fully committed or at the discretion of the NVC.

Grant Guide and Information:

To Apply:

To start the application process, please submit an expression of interest and an Officer will be in touch to discuss your site and the grants program.

Applications are to be submitted online through SmartyGrants. Click here when you are ready to start your application. Note, you can log in, draft and edit your application any time prior to hitting the submit button. *To view a copy of the Application Form please click on the link above.

If your site is in moderate condition and you are looking to undertake a longer-term (10 year) restoration project, then you may consider applying for a NVC Restoration Grant. Please view the SEB Grant site for further information about Restoration Grants.

What is a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement?

A Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement is a conservation area on private land, established between the landholder and the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water on recommendation of the Native Vegetation Council (NVC), which contributes to protecting and/or restoring indigenous biodiversity.

Heritage Agreements are established in perpetuity to protect and enhance the natural character of the site's flora and fauna. Many unique features are found within privately owned land, and these areas can often form part of an important wildlife corridor, provide an extension to national or conservation parks, or help establish private sanctuaries.

Each Heritage Agreement, while bound by standard conditions, is unique and can include clauses specific to the management of the native vegetation within the conservation area.

Any change in ownership or lease to the property that contains a Heritage Agreement area must be noted to the Native Vegetation Branch. Regardless of lease, transfer or sale, the Heritage Agreement remains binding on the property title holder at that time.

For Heritage Agreements entered into voluntarily by a landholder, the NVC will meet the costs associated with the negotiation, assessment, drafting and registering of the Heritage Agreement.

Land protected by a Heritage Agreement provides an important accompaniment to the state's natural character. As such, land under the Heritage Agreement is valued differently as a recognition of its conservation status.

Properties identified in the agreement or registered plan as Heritage Agreement areas can receive a reduced valuation and subsequent reduction in particular rates and taxes. The reduction is based on property valuations made by the State Valuation Office and varies between properties across the state.

For more information on Heritage Agreements, see our Frequently Asked Questions and Heritage Agreement Policy. For information on financial assistance, see the NVC Guideline - Applications for Financial Assistance.

Note: The NVC is an advisory body established under the Native Vegetation Act 1991, and the Minister may not enter into, vary or terminate a Heritage Agreement without first consulting with and obtaining the approval of the NVC.

Looking to become a Heritage Agreement landholder

Find out whether your property would be eligible to enter into a Heritage Agreement:

Are you eligible to become a Heritage Agreement landholder

How to apply for a Heritage Agreement

Fill out the Heritage Agreement quick application either online or download the form. Once you have submitted your form a team member from the Native Vegetation Branch will be in touch.

Contact us

  • Queries relating to existing applications or current Heritage Agreements can be made via the Native Vegetation Branch at or phone 8303 9777.
  • If you have submitted an application, or are seeking follow up information, please contact the Native Vegetation Branch.