Can I clear regrowth?

You can clear native vegetation that has regrown if:

  • it was lawfully cleared within the past 5 years and

  • the land will be used for the same purpose as during the past 5 years.

What can I clear?

You can clear parts of plants or plants that have grown or regrown in the past 5 years.

Does this include land under Heritage or Management Agreement?

No you cannot clear for this purpose on Heritage Agreement or Management Agreement land.

Do I need approval?

No you do not need to get approval.

What do I have to do?

  • Self-assess that your clearing is within the parameters of this activity

  • Consider if there are other practical alternatives to clearing

  • Obtain the written permission of the landowner if you are acting on behalf of the landowner.

What if I want to clear native vegetation regrowth to change the use of the land or for a greater area of land?

You will need to submit a clearance application under the Native Vegetation Act 1991.

What if I want to clear vegetation to maintain existing agriculture, forestry or farming?

You can clear to maintain existing agriculture, forestry or farming, as long as it doesn't cause permanent degradation or loss of native vegetation.

What if my activity doesn't fit this description?

If your proposed clearance does not meet the requirements of this regulation, or another regulation, you can submit a clearance application under Section 28 of the Native Vegetation Act 1991.


Native Vegetation Branch.