River Murray flow and use in South Australia
The South Australian government is committed to open and transparent water management and accounting along the length of the River Murray.
Quarterly flow and use reports provide summaries of river flows at key locations along the River Murray in South Australia, water used for critical human water needs (CHWN) and consumptive purposes and water for the environment. They provide information for River Murray water users on the volumes flowing to South Australia and how much water is used and for what purpose on a quarterly basis.
The data in each report is based on the best available information at the time of publication and may include a combination of metered, estimated and modelled data. All data is subject to final assessment and reconciliation of water use at the end of the water year as part of South Australia’s statutory reporting obligations under Section 71 of the Water Act 2007 (Cth). After this process, a reconciled end of year report is published.
All published historical quarterly and annual reports are available online. Each quarterly report is targeted to be published within two months of the end of each quarter, as far as practicable.
Historical annual reports on water use in South Australia can be accessed on the Murray-Darling Basin Authority’s website.