The South Australian Government has developed a long-term plan for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth region with input from community, scientists, industry and government.

Securing the Future: a long-term plan for the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth aims to secure a future for the region as a healthy, productive and resilient wetland system of international importance. Achieving this will directly support the local economy and the communities that rely on a healthy environment to prosper.

The long-term plan builds on the framework outlined in the Directions for a Healthy Future document, and the management options presented in Managing for a Healthy Future.

The long-term plan is part of the South Australian Government's $610 million Murray Futures program, funded by the Australian Government's Water for the Future strategy.

How the plan will work

During the next 20 years, the long-term plan will work towards introducing more variable water levels and building resilience in the region's environment so the site can recover from unprecedented low water levels, salinity and acidification and adapt to changing conditions.

The actions proposed in the plan will take account of variables such as inflows and climatic conditions, as well as information gathered and lessons learned from previous actions.

The plan will be regularly reviewed based on emerging information, science and knowledge, as well as being responsive to cultural and community guidance, and the development of a close working relationship with the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority.

Download Securing the Future: a long-term plan for the Coorong Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth in four parts:

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