Guidance for Entrants

When addressing the judging criteria, please consider the guidance outlined below in your application as well as the relevance of your activity or project to the specified climate change areas.

Entrants are encouraged to provide supporting information, photographs, and videos with their applications. The judges will consider any additional information provided when reviewing entries.

The Premier’s Climate Change Council will approve the overall winner’s use of the $10,000 prize. When completing the entry form, entrants should describe how the prize money would be used towards climate change‐related action.

Describe (in 250 words or less) how your project or activity demonstrates a measurable beneficial impact to address climate change within South Australia.

Your entry should:

  • Describe the practical impacts, outcomes or benefits your project or activity has had on addressing climate change i.e. reducing emissions, enabling adaptation.
  • Describe any co‐benefits such as environmental benefits, social benefits and economic opportunities.
  • Provide information on the scale of impact, outcome or benefit. This may include any flow on benefits through networks, supply chains, customers, or the wider community.
  • Where relevant, outline whether the project or activity can be scaled up, replicated or sustained for greater benefits.
  • Be supported by relevant evidence and examples such as measurable performance data, evaluations, certification, peer review and publications, media articles or external endorsements.

Some examples include:

  • Demonstrable risk management or adaptation outcome.
  • Reductions in greenhouse gases, energy use and/or costs; or increased productivity, profits, or opportunities (business or otherwise).
  • Number of people engaged, made aware, or influenced to act.

Describe (in 250 words or less) how your project or activity demonstrates exceptional leadership and/or an original or innovative approach to achieving a particular outcome or solving a problem.

Your entry should:

  • Outline why the project or activity is an example of innovation and/or leadership.
  • Provide relevant evidence or examples in support of your entry.

Some examples include:

  • Development or implementation of innovative technology, research, tool, product or process which provides a new approach or solution and/or may fill an unmet need in the market.
  • Leadership through educating, influencing, raising awareness or inspiring change within an organisation, industry, sector or community.

Describe (in 250 words or less) how your project or activity demonstrates a collaborative approach through engaging or partnering with others to achieve an effective outcome. Your entry should:

  • Describe the engagement, collaboration or partnerships relating to the project or activity.
  • Describe who was involved and their contribution.
  • Outline the outcome and impact of the engagement, collaboration or partnership.

Some examples include:

  • Achievement of greater impact through use of networks, collaborations and partnerships.
  • Partnerships among research or educational organisations to develop new understanding or disseminate knowledge.
  • Engagement and collaboration that progresses a new technology, policy or technique.
  • Training, mentoring or educational activities aimed at building awareness.

Eligibility and Terms and Conditions

  • Entries must relate to a project or activity undertaken within South Australia or with a demonstrated benefit to South Australia.
  • The project or activity must have been completed or initiated after June 2022.
  • Previous award‐winning projects will not be considered for another award in the same category unless the applicant can demonstrate significantly different and/or additional outcomes have been achieved through the project.
  • The judging panel may move an entry from one category to another should the panel deem it a more appropriate fit.
  • Entrants agree to participate in publicity activities for the Awards, and may be asked to provide photographs or other materials for promotional activities.
  • Entrants may nominate more than once in any category, however a separate entry form must be submitted for each project or activity.
  • Entrants may be self‐nominated or nominated by another party. Third parties must seek the entrant’s consent before submitting an entry on their behalf.
  • Entrants will have an opportunity to declare any confidential information in their entry. With the exception of any declared confidential material, entries, photographs and information relating to entries, may be published (omitting personal contact information) on the Awards website and used for other promotional purposes related to the Awards.
  • Entry details may be subject to government Freedom of Information requirements.
  • The Premier’s Climate Change Council will approve the overall winner’s use of the $10,000 prize. In the entry form, entrants will have the opportunity to describe how the prize money would be used towards climate change‐related action.
  • The recipient of the $10,000 prize agrees to attend a meeting of the Premier’s Climate Change Council to present about how they have utilised the prize money.

Frequently Asked Questions

The SA Climate Leaders Awards recognise action being taken by individuals, organisations, the community, business and government to address climate change in South Australia.

The judging panel is looking for entries that demonstrate leadership, innovation, collaboration, engagement and significant achievements or outcomes. Entries can be for projects or activities that relate to one or more of the following specified climate change areas:

  • managing climate change risks or supporting climate adaptation;
  • reducing net greenhouse gas emissions;
  • research or education;
  • promoting awareness about climate change and climate solutions.

Awards will be presented for each category listed below. An overall winner will be awarded the prize of $10,000.

  • Business and Industry ‐ Small to Medium Enterprises open to private sector organisations employing less than 50 full time equivalent staff and individuals with operations in South Australia.
  • Business and Industry ‐ Large Enterprise open to private sector organisations employing more than 50 full time equivalent staff and individuals with operations in South Australia.
  • Research and Education - open to South Australian based individuals or organisations that conduct research and/or deliver education to improve understanding or develop solutions to climate related challenges and opportunities.
  • Community – open to individuals or community organisations taking action to address climate change that benefits a particular area, social group or the wider community.
  • Government ‐ open to local governments, state government agencies and government (or government funded) bodies, including independent boards and committees and individuals within any of these organisations.

Projects or activities delivered in collaboration across the categories are also eligible to apply.

Anyone is eligible to enter the awards in the appropriate category, as long as the entry relates to a project or activity delivered or initiated since June 2022, and undertaken in South Australia or with a demonstrated benefit to South Australia.

Previous award‐winning projects or individuals will not be eligible for another award in the same category unless the applicant can demonstrate significantly different and/or additional outcomes have been achieved through the project.

We are seeking entries from (but not limited to):

  • Small, medium or large businesses and industry peak organisations
  • Not‐for‐profit organisations, community groups and, clubs and associations
  • Schools, preschools and early childhood centres
  • Tertiary institutes, universities and research organisations
  • Local councils, state government agencies or branches
  • Regional level networks, alliances and partnerships
  • Individuals across all categories.

Yes, as long as the entry relates to a project or action undertaken in South Australia or with a demonstrated benefit to South Australia.

Yes. However, please ask their permission first.

The judging panel from the Premier’s Climate Change Council will select an overall winner of the SA Climate Leaders Awards from the category winners. Finalists will receive a certificate, category winners will also receive a trophy. A prize of $10,000 will be available to the overall winner of the SA Climate Leaders Awards as a contribution to a climate change related action.

Finalists and winners will also receive recognition of their leadership and achievements through social media and websites.

Awards entries open

Wednesday 1 May 2024

Awards entries closeFriday 5 July 2024
Awards presentation ceremonyThursday 1 August 2024

Entries have now closed.

Members of the Premier’s Climate Change Council will judge the entries. The judging panel will assess applications against the following criteria:

  • impact and outcomes
  • innovation and leadership
  • engagement and collaboration.

Each application will be judged based on individual merit, not as a competition between applicants.

Please contact:

Philip MacFadden
Premier’s Climate Change Council Email:
Phone: 08 8204 9278

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