Animals and plants
To apply for a permit to keep, sell, rescue, farm, hunt or manage native animals, or to collect native plants, go to wildlife permits.
The department's role in nature conservation is to actively support South Australia's native plants, animals and ecosystems, helping them to survive, evolve and adapt to environmental change.
We are also charged with ensuring that animals are treated humanely and that companion animals are managed appropriately.
We work to protect, maintain, improve and restore ecosystems, habitats, species and populations by developing nature conservation policies and programs with industries, government and communities. We also undertake and support research, surveys and monitoring of South Australia's biodiversity.
To provide a vision for future biodiversity conservation and management in South Australia, the first statewide nature conservation strategy, No species loss - a nature conservation strategy for South Australia 2007-2017 has been prepared.
No Species Loss sets objectives and targets for the conservation and management of the state's biodiversity and provides guidelines on how these can be met.