About us > Freedom of information

Making an application

Access and amendment applications can be made online using the online Freedom of Information application form for most State Government agencies. Alternatively, you can download the hardcopy application form which can be submitted directly to the relevant agency. Applications can also be made in writing by letter or email.

Applications for access to an agency's documents must:

  • be in writing
  • specify that the application is made under the FOI Act
  • specify an address in Australia to which notices can be sent
  • must contain such information as is reasonably necessary to enable the document to be identified
  • specify whether the documents being sought contain information of a personal nature
  • specify the desired type of access to the document, such as a copy of the document or inspection of the document at an arranged location
  • be accompanied by the correct application fee as may be prescribed

If you seek a reduction in fees due to financial disadvantage, please telephone the department's accredited Freedom of Information Officer on (08) 8429 9660.

Applications or enquiries regarding access to documents and policies, or amendment of personal records held by the department, should be addressed to:

The Freedom of Information Officer
Department for Environment and Water
GPO Box 1047
Adelaide SA 5001

or emailed to: DEW.FOI@sa.gov.au.

For more information or if you require assistance on how to make a Freedom of Information application please visit the State Records of South Australia website or telephone the Freedom of Information Team on (08) 8429 9660.