Environment SA News

National climate adaptation conference starts in Adelaide today


Adaptation to the effects of climate change is the focus of a national conference being held in Adelaide today.

National climate adaptation conference starts in Adelaide today

The Climate Adaptation 2023 conference is bringing together practitioners and researchers from across Australia to discuss research findings, planning processes and on-ground actions around climate change adaptation.

Representatives from industry, government, academia, emergency management and insurance sectors will be among the attendees.

Climate Adaptation 2023 follows the inaugural Industry Climate Change Conference, which was held in Adelaide in April.

South Australia is a world leader in renewable energy, with around 72 per cent of our state’s electricity currently generated from renewable energy sources.

Acting Premier Susan Close open the conference with other speakers including:

  • Senator Jenny McAllister, Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy
  • Dr Pep Canadell, CSIRO, Executive Director of the Global Carbon Project
  • Professor Lesley Hughes, founding Councillor, Climate Council of Australia
  • Andrew Hall, CEO, Insurance Council of Australia
  • Professor Nicola Spurrier, Chief Public Health Officer, SA Health

Department for Environment and Water (DEW) Director Science and Information Matt Ward said South Australia was the first state to declare a climate emergency, and was committed to building science-based policies to prepare the state for the realities of climate change.

"This conference is a great opportunity for experts to share their knowledge and experience to help strengthen the growing community of adaptation research and practice in Australia," he said.

South Australia has a target of at least 50 per cent reduction in net emissions by 2030 (from 2005 levels) and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

Climate Adaptation 2023 is being held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from 25-27 July.

The conference is hosted by the National Environmental Science Program Climate Systems Hub and DEW.

For further information visit: https://www.ivvy.com.au/event/CA2023/welcome.html