Environment SA News

Short film puts spotlight on Coorong during National Science Week


The public are invited to view a short film produced by the Department for Environment and Water and the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board about South Australia’s iconic Coorong and the scientists and citizens helping return it to a healthy system.

Short film puts spotlight on Coorong during National Science Week
Sylvia Clarke on shoot during filming of ‘The Science and Citizens of the Coorong’.

The screening is one of a number of great South Australian events on offer during National Science Week which runs from 15-23 August.

The film, ‘The Science and Citizens of the Coorong’, will be available to view online from Saturday 22 August.

Senior Project Officer Citizen Science with the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board, Sylvia Clarke said with National Science Week unable to run live events this year, they wanted a way to still showcase the efforts of citizen scientists and engage with the public.

“We particularly wanted to showcase the long history of citizen science in the Coorong dating right back to the Traditional Owners,” Sylvia said.

“The Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin project is developing a citizen science program as part of its many important initiatives and the film encourages people to get involved or if they live further away, to join citizen science projects linked with environmental restoration in their local area.

“To support the continued restoration of the Coorong to healthy system, a combination of science and community effort is needed.”

Manager Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin Angus MacGregor said work to restore a healthy Coorong needs to be based on the latest science, as well as the experience and knowledge of Traditional Owners and the local community.

“The Healthy Coorong, Healthy Basin program has been developed to support the long-term health of the Coorong,” Angus said.

“One of the projects within the program is ‘Trials and Investigations’ which has been developed to fill critical knowledge gaps and provide the scientific evidence-base to inform future management actions for the Coorong.”

An on-line question and answer session will follow the screening of the film on Tuesday 25 August at 7:00pm where people can learn more about the complexities of the Coorong ecosystem and the scientific research being undertaken.

Register at: www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the-science-and-citizens-of-the-coorong-tickets-112550991044 to receive the links to the film and the question and answer session.

To find out what other events are planned for National Science Week visit www.scienceweek.net.au