Environment SA News

Duck and quail hunting season for 2019

South Australia will have a restricted duck and quail hunting season in 2019, with hunters able to take eight ducks and 15 quail per hunter per day.

Duck and quail hunting season for 2019
Duck season begins on 16 March and finishes on 30 June. Quail season runs from 16 February to 31 August.

The 2019 season’s restrictions are a precautionary approach. Duck hunting numbers are down to eight instead of last year’s full bag of 12, and quail numbers are down to 15, instead of last year’s 20, with a full bag being 25.

The decision to allow a duck and quail season is based on scientific research and consultation with stakeholder groups, including hunting and conservation organisations.

The decision to restrict the 2019 season will still enable hunters to enjoy a good season, but also sustainably manage populations for the future.

Duck season begins on 16 March and finishes on 30 June. Quail season runs from 16 February to 31 August.

South Australian legislation allows for properly managed and regulated hunting of game birds by licensed shooters.

Duck and quail hunters in South Australia must hold a valid gun licence and a permit from the Department of Environment and Water, and duck hunters must have passed a waterfowl identification test. They must also use non-toxic shot and comply with the Code of Practice for the Humane Destruction of Birds by Shooting.

Bool Lagoon in the South East will once again be closed to hunters, and the Australasian (blue-winged) shoveler will be excluded from hunting due to ongoing concerns about the population.

For more information on duck and quail hunting permits visit www.environment.sa.gov.au