Environment SA News

Volunteers make for a greener world

Dozens of environmental volunteer groups across the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges region are dedicating hundreds of hours every year to look after the region’s parks, coasts, waterways and reserves.

Volunteers make for a greener world
Endangered Western Pygmy Possums have taken up residence in nesting boxes installed in Newland Head Conservation Park thanks to the efforts of environmental volunteers. (Photo courtesy of Elisa Sparrow)

To say thanks, Natural Resources Adelaide Mt Lofty Ranges recently hosted a networking and celebration event for more than 140 volunteers at Urrbrae Wetland.

Natural Resources AMLR Volunteer Support Manager Pippa Cattanach said the event was an opportunity to recognise and celebrate the incredible efforts and achievements of environmental volunteers in the region.

“We value their tireless work, expertise and time and couldn’t manage our natural resources without them,” she said.

“In 2017/18, environmental volunteers in the region contributed an astounding 278,000 hours, worth more than $11 million.”

The celebration included an opportunity to recognise groups such as the Friends of Anstey Hill Conservation Park and Friends of Newland Head Conservation Park who have been caring for the land for 30 years.

Friends of Newland Head Conservation Park Coordinator Winston Syson enjoys giving back and protecting and restoring his local park.

“We’ve embarked on an exciting new project installing 30 nest boxes in the park and monitoring the regionally endangered Western Pygmy Possum,” he said.

“We were very excited to find Pygmy Possums using the nest boxes just four weeks after they were put up.

“The first little creature discovered nesting in a box was affectionately nicknamed ‘Harold’.”

Environmental volunteers across the region are supported by dedicated Volunteer Support Officers who provide technical advice, tools, equipment and training.

Across the AMLR region, there are more than 100 volunteer groups working on a range of on-ground activities including weeding, pest animal control, habitat creation, coastal conservation, revegetation, fencing and monitoring.

People interested in volunteering in the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges region should contact Pippa Cattanach on 8273 9113.