Prescribed burn at Newland Head Conservation Park

Date posted: 09 Apr. 2021

A prescribed burn is planned for Newland Head Conservation Park at Waitpinga approximately 1km north of Waitpinga Beach on the Fleurieu Peninsula, on Monday 12 April 2021, weather conditions permitting.

  • The prescribed burn will start at 5:45am and should be complete by 8pm.
  • It will affect about 165 hectares within the park.
  • The burn is an ecological burn which aims to provide a diversity of vegetation ages in order to provide habitat for threatened birds.
  • Ridgeway Hill Hike will be closed for the duration of the burn.
  • Smoke will be visible from Waitpinga Road, Dennis Road and Waitpinga Beach.
  • The burn will take several days and smoke will be visible in the area throughout that time.
  • People who are camped at Waitpinga are likely to experience smoky conditions.

The burn will be carried out by the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) with local CFS Volunteers invited to attend. A crew will remain on site until it is safe to leave.

NPWS conducts a statewide program of prescribed burns to reduce the spread and intensity of bushfires, protect communities and enhance biodiversity. Prescribed burning is just one tool used to reduce fuel loads across strategic areas of public and private land.

Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice if conditions change.

For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.

A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.