Whose egg is that large
Whose egg is that large

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia

11 Apr. 2022 1 min read

The Easter Bunny isn’t the only one leaving eggs about the place. Take a guess at who these eggs might belong to.

It’s Easter time and we all know what that means – time for an egg hunt!

Once you’ve found all the goodies that the Easter Bunny has left for you, we’ve got an egg hunt of a different kind for you. And this one can be done from the comfort of your lounge room.

Take a look at the animal eggs below and try taking a guess at who laid them Hint: these eggs can all be found in South Australia’s national parks and marine parks.

Mystery egg 1

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of Simon Bryars)

Mystery egg 2

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of the South Australian Museum)

Mystery egg 3

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of the South Australian Museum)

Mystery egg 4

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of M Bossley,CC BY Attribution)

Mystery egg 5

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of Maureen Christie)

Mystery egg 6

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of K Bunker @ Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0)

Mystery egg 7

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of the South Australian Museum)

Mystery egg 8

Your guide to identifying animal eggs found in South Australia
(Image courtesy of the South Australian Museum)


  1. Southern calamari eggs
  2. Australian raven eggs
  3. Black-breasted buzzard eggs
  4. Moon snail jelly sack
  5. Banded stilt eggs
  6. Port Jackson shark egg case
  7. Black falcon eggs
  8. Sparrow eggs

Now that you’ve brushed up on your knowledge, you’ll be ready to identify any eggs you come across the next time you visit one of SA’s national parks or marine parks. Just remember, if you find one you can look, but don’t touch.

Do you have an itch for identification? Check our blogs onidentifying animal poo in national parksandmistaken identities along SA’s beaches.

This story was originally posted in April 2020.


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