13 simple ways you can play a part in tackling climate change
24 Mar. 2023 3 min read
Go beyond the 60 minutes this Earth Hour and save energy, reduce your emissions and help your hip pocket with these simple tips to tackle climate change all year round.
Think it’s impossible to make a difference to the planet’s wellbeing? Think again. There’s plenty you can do to help reduce the effects of climate change, starting in your own home.
Here’s a snapshot of ideas to save energy at home with little or no investment of time or money:
1. Power off. Household appliances, such as laptops, televisions and other appliances, consume electricity even when they’re on standby. Turning off household appliances at the powerpoint is one of the simplest ways you can save electricity and money.
2. Use power boards with switches. This makes it easier to turn off individual appliances.
3. Turn off second fridges and freezers when you're not using them. This helps the planet and your household energy bill.
4. Set your screen to standby mode if you’re going to step away from your computer. Turning your computer off overnight can also cut your computer’s energy use by more than 60 per cent.
5. Switch off lights as you leave the room and train other members of the household to do the same.
6. Switch off altogether. Getting outside to appreciate and enjoy nature costs nothing at all but will bring immense benefits.
7. Make a degree of difference. Turn your heating down a degree or set your cooler one degree higher to save 10 per cent on running costs.
8. Hug a hoodie. Add a layer in the winter months before turning the heat on or up.
9. Let the light in. Use natural lighting as much as possible at home during the day by opening blinds or installing skylights. Make the most of our sunny climate by using the sun to help heat the house.
10. Open up. During summer, opening windows overnight will help cool the house.
11. Wash your clothes in cold water to save the energy cost of heating up the water. Run full loads of washing each time to save on water costs.
12. Use a shower timer to help you shorten your showers to four minutes or less. Installing a water-efficient shower head can save at least 10 litres of hot water every minute.
13. Fix those dripping taps. It will cut wasted water, save energy and cause you fewer headaches.
These are just a few ideas when it comes to making a difference to climate change and your energy bill. But what’s happening more broadly?
How South Australia is taking action on climate change
South Australia is aiming to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 by taking the lead on climate change.
Achieving net zero emissions means reducing greenhouse gases created by our lifestyles and economy.
Looking for more ideas? Take a look at 3 easy tips to reduce your food waste and 5 simple tips for saving water in and around your home
This story was originally posted in April 2016 and has been updated with recent information.