Fleurieu Peninsula

Fleurieu Peninsula

The Fleurieu Penin­su­la is an adven­ture play­ground famous for its coastal thrills, seclud­ed beach­es, adven­tur­ous tours and unspoilt wildlife.

It’s home to some of the best local food and wine in the coun­try, and is alive all year round with vibrant and cre­ative fes­ti­vals and events.

The parks of the Fleurieu are diverse and beau­ti­ful. Gran­ite Island Recre­ation Park gives night vis­i­tors a chance to see the lit­tle pen­guins come out of hid­ing after dark while Deep Creek Con­ser­va­tion Park is a favourite for campers and bush­walk­ers. It is home to a fab­u­lous sec­tion of the world class Hey­sen Trail.

Parks in this region: