Yorke Peninsula

The marine parks of Yorke Peninsula protect some of South Australia’s most important marine habitats, including mangrove forests, fish breeding grounds and important bird breeding and feeding sites. With their beautiful beaches and undersea treasures, the parks are places of spectacular natural beauty.

Yorke Peninsula is also one of South Australia’s key tourism destinations. With its reputation for fine seafood, sun, surf and relaxed summer holidays, ‘Yorkes’ has been a popular centre for surfers and holiday-makers for years, while Edithburgh jetty is always a hive of activity for fishers and divers.

There are many fantastic locations for beach, jetty and boat fishing, for recreational and commercial fishers alike. The region boasts spectacular coastal scenery as well as many great places to swim, snorkel, surf or dive, or just relax on the beach.

View the 2012 Yorke Peninsula regional brochure

Significant species

Migratory shorebirds

More than 40 species of migratory shorebirds have been recorded on Troubridge Island. The fragile sand island is an important feeding ground for species including black-faced cormorants, little penguins and crested terns.

King George whiting

South Australia’s favourite fish, the King George whiting, is known to spawn in the area.


Often called the lungs of the ocean, mangroves are the building blocks of life for much of the seafood we enjoy from this region. They provide shelter for juvenile fish and birds and help to stabilise the entire marine environment.

Parks in the Yorke Peninsula region