Scientific reports

On this page you'll find links to a selection of fact sheets and reports on topics including the science behind marine parks, their benefits and their history. The reports provided on this page do not represent a definitive collection of those on the subject, but do help create a snapshot of some of the science used by DEW in planning for our marine parks.

Benefits of marine parks

Marine parks are recognised around the world for their conservation values, but did you know they bring many additional benefits to the marine environment? Here is a summary of relevant research, prepared by DEW in February 2011.

Fact sheets

Science used in our marine parks

A great deal of scientific research goes in to developing marine parks. Here is a collection of the research the State Government has used to help inform the process of designing marine park boundaries and zones.

Reference/technical reports

The outer boundaries of South Australia's marine parks network are based on robust science. Download a technical report on the outer boundaries of South Australia's marine parks network:

Marine parks are about preserving good examples of marine habitats. The following report reveals the details of how the South Australian Government plans to do this.

Estuaries information

Protecting South Australia’s estuaries is also an important part of marine park planning. Read the reports prepared by South Australia’s Natural Resource Management Boards.

Estuaries information packages: