Beetroots, flowers and magpies

Date posted: 29 November 2016

Hello there Little Sprouts! This month it’s out with the old and in with the new. We’ve harvested all our radishes, beetroots and cabbage, and now it’s time for tomatoes, lettuce and potatoes to take a turn.

Meet the Beet

The past few weeks we’ve had a surplus of beetroots in the garden. The children help us pick the beetroots, which are then cooked and used to make a unique beetroot-and-fruit smoothie. We’ve been adding some watermelon grown earlier in the year with our beetroots, along with some mixed berries!

We must make a delicious smoothie, as the kids keep coming back for seconds! To beat the heat, try adding some crushed ice to your smoothies - this has been helping us keep cool during the warm days we’ve had.

Edible Flowers

Throughout the garden we have some wonderful edible flowers. A perfect example of these is the Viola plant. It's a tri-coloured plant that produces a large number of flowers! It has many common names such as; Johnny Jump Up, Heartsease or Pansy.

They can be used as decorations in salads or desserts, or combined with meats. Certain species have a vanilla flavour, while others are used in perfume due to their sweet scent. The ones we’ve been growing in the garden taste slightly of Wintergreens.

A word from Joe the Scarecrow

Hello Everyone!

It’s getting oh so warm and hot in the garden. I keep an eye on our visitors and make sure they're wearing their hats and sunscreen - if not I do my best to give them a good scarecrow-scare!

The strawberries are growing well in the garden because of the warmth. The children are even making strawberry smoothies in a loud blender. Though the noise of the blender is very loud, I think it helps keeps the magpies and ducks away from the garden. This means there are a lot less nibbles on our lettuce!

We’ve had a huge amount of beetroots and radishes being picked from the garden in the past month. They are perfect when roasted in an oven, with plenty of different herbs tossed in for added flavour.

See you next year, and happy gardening!

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