Telowie Gorge Conservation Park (part of Wapma Thura – Southern Flinders Ranges National Park)

Telowie Gorge Conservation Park (part of Wapma Thura – Southern Flinders Ranges National Park)

Park fees:
Free entry
239.25km from Adelaide
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The gorge and its diverse land­forms have been cre­at­ed by Telowie Creek, which over time has cut a deep gorge through the range. Today, the gorge cre­ates a rich vari­ety of habi­tats for ani­mals and plants from both the south­ern tem­per­ate and arid regions. Dur­ing win­ter, Telowie Creek flows from the gorge onto the plains.

Bush­walk­ing and wildlife watch­ing are pop­u­lar ways to enjoy the park’s wilder­ness setting.