Whyalla Conservation Park

Whyalla Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
374.44km from Adelaide
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Ris­ing sud­den­ly from the sur­round­ing plains just to the north of Whyal­la, Wild Dog Hill is an out­stand­ing topo­graph­i­cal fea­ture of the Whyal­la Con­ser­va­tion Park. Its rugged fea­tures and impos­ing pro­file make it a pop­u­lar pic­nic loca­tion for local res­i­dents and visitors.

Red and Grey Kan­ga­roos are found in the park, and Euros can some­times be seen on the slopes of Wild Dog Hill at sun­set. Small­er, incon­spic­u­ous mam­mals are also present; the Com­mon Dun­nart is a car­niv­o­rous mouse sized mar­su­pi­al which eats grasshop­pers and small lizards. This park is great for bird watch­ing with over 80 species of birds observed.