Mokota Conservation Park

Mokota Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
179.55km from Adelaide
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Moko­ta Con­ser­va­tion Park plays an impor­tant role in pro­tect­ing native grass­land and, at 445 hectares, is one of the largest remain­ing exam­ples of an open grassy veg­e­ta­tion environment.

The park con­tains more than 150 indige­nous plant species includ­ing 32 of par­tic­u­lar con­ser­va­tion sig­nif­i­cance to the state. Inter­pre­tive signs on site give an insight into the unusu­al­ly high qual­i­ty grassland.

The park pro­vides habi­tat for 28 ani­mal species. The rare white spot­ted skip­per but­ter­fly is of par­tic­u­lar inter­est and is list­ed as vul­ner­a­ble. The park also pro­vides habi­tat for the flinders worm lizard whose con­ser­va­tion sta­tus is list­ed as vul­ner­a­ble at nation­al and state levels.