Troubridge Island Conservation Park

Troubridge Island Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
240km from Adelaide
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Troubridge Island Con­ser­va­tion Park is an impor­tant breed­ing area for birds and is home to a large colony of lit­tle pen­guins, black-faced cor­morants and crest­ed terns.

Only acces­si­ble by boat and with a per­mit, once you’ve reached this peace­ful island, take in its beau­ty by fish­ing or swim­ming along the white sandy beaches.

Hide away for a few nights in the orig­i­nal light­house keep­er’s cot­tage. The her­itage-list­ed cot­tage accom­mo­da­tion has all the mod­ern con­ve­niences you need for an idyl­lic escape from city life.

As the island pro­tects nest­ing seabirds, it can only be accessed with a per­mit or with a guid­ed tour.