Environment SA News

Intermediate remediation of the LMRIA levees project

Intermediate remediation of the LMRIA levees project
Intermediate remediation of the LMRIA levees project

The Intermediate Remediation of the LMRIA Levees project is jointly funded by the Australian and South Australian governments, through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. This project will return sections of government and privately owned levees that were significantly damaged in the 2022-23 River Murray flood to their pre-flood height.

Intermediate remediation works update

  • Statutory approvals for the intermediate remediation works and cultural heritage surveys of government and private levees have been completed.
  • Sheet piles have been purchased and preparation works undertaken where required, including the testing of materials from quarry pits to determine suitability.
  • Works have commenced at Pompoota, Mypolonga and Long Flat.
  • The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) is working with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), as the state infrastructure agency, on the procurement of contractors to undertake works.
  • A request for tender was issued by DIT in July, with an anticipated award date in October.
  • Early stages of procurement and preparation of land access agreements for works on private levees have commenced.
  • The Levee Recovery team continues to engage regularly with landholders and irrigation trusts.

Where intermediate remediation works are required for government levees, they will remain closed until the works are progressively completed and subsequent safe access is determined over the next 12-18 months. Any government levee not requiring intermediate remediation work will remain closed pending the outcome of the condition assessment and a safety risk assessment to ensure they are safe for public access. The government levee banks are Cowirra, Neeta, Wall Flat, Pompoota, Mypolonga, Mobilong, Burdett, Long Flat, Monteith and Jervois. Access to private levees is at the landholder’s discretion, however, access is not permitted where remediation works are being undertaken.

The safety of the public is of paramount importance and the Department for Environment and Water will keep the community informed of the progress of the project, including when levees may be accessible to the public, through its website and newsletter.

For more information please visit Department for Environment and Water – Levees

If you have any questions, please contact Lisa van der Linde, Communications and Engagement Officer on 0437 313 087 or Lisa.vanderlinde@sa.gov.au.