Environment SA News

Barrage operations and water levels in the Lower Lakes

Barrage operations and water levels in the Lower Lakes
Barrage operations and water levels in the Lower Lakes

The water level in Lake Alexandrina is approximately 0.76 m AHD and Lake Albert is approximately 0.78 m AHD.

The Lower Lakes are being managed to target a daily average lake level between 0.725 m AHD to 0.825 m AHD during August 2024.

Barrage operations are being undertaken to encourage flow to the Coorong Lagoons, with flows currently prioritised from Tauwitchere barrage. During adverse weather conditions, SA Water will operate the barrages to minimise the risk of seawater entering Lake Alexandrina, therefore minimising any negative salinity impacts from reverse flow events. Automated gates at Tauwitchere, Ewe Island, Mundoo and Goolwa barrages can be shut during reverse flow events and then opened when conditions allow for downstream movement of freshwater to the Coorong.

Gate openings at the barrages can now be viewed on Water Data SA – Barrage dashboard.

Total daily flow releases from the barrages can also be found on Water Data SA – Flows dashboard.