Environment SA News

Western Brachina Gorge Road gateway to be upgraded

A more impactful western gateway entry/exit will be created for the Brachina Gorge Geological Trail.

Western Brachina Gorge Road gateway to be upgraded

Located 12 km east of the Outback Way, the existing rock entry signage will remain but be enhanced with new interpretation posts and road-island signage to welcome all visitors to the geological trail.

The more impactful entry will encourage visitors to stop at the landscape viewing area. It is expected that traffic to this site will increase when roads become bituminised further north of the location.

Parking areas will be formalised using cypress bollards clearly indicating turn-around areas (accommodating long vehicles) with wheel stops installed for individual car parks.

The northern and eastern sides of the existing shelter will be opened to provide greater views of the landscape. An adjacent area will be levelled for a universally accessible area. New seating will also be introduced enabling a place to contemplate and journey plan.