Environment SA News

Sand movement works

Replenishment of Adelaide’s beaches will be continuing from Monday 11 November until Friday 15 November, with sand being moved from between the Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties to the critically eroded West Beach.

Sand movement works
The sand from the beach will be skimmed from between the high and low tide mark between Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties and then transported along the beach to the Semaphore South breakwater.

Sand will be moved from between the Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties for five days to continue to replenish the critically eroded West Beach.

Recently the sand movement works from between the Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties were modified to alleviate community concerns.

The sand from the beach will be skimmed from between the high and low tide mark between Semaphore and Largs Bay jetties and then transported along the beach to the Semaphore South breakwater.

The sand will be transported via the existing beach access path at Point Malcolm and then on to the eroded West Beach.

The replenishment of West Beach is critical while our long-term solution of about 500,000 cubic metres of external sand is imported and a sand recycling pipeline from Semaphore to West Beach is built.

Sand movement works have been underway from the Semaphore South breakwater sand collection source at Point Malcolm since October 2018. These sand movement works will resume on 18 November until the summer school holidays. Sand movement works to replenish the Glenelg North coastline will also commence on Monday 11 November until the summer school holidays.

For more information visit the Department for Environment and Water coasts website.