Mount Monster Conservation Park

Mount Monster Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
236.78km from Adelaide
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Locat­ed 12 km south of Kei­th, Mount Mon­ster Con­ser­va­tion Park boasts many spe­cial fea­tures. The parks is not­ed for its pre­dom­i­nant geo­log­i­cal fea­ture, an unusu­al gran­ite out­crop found only in one oth­er loca­tion in South Aus­tralia. A short hike to the sum­mit offers unin­ter­rupt­ed views over the gran­ite out­crops, nat­ur­al bush­land and the flat agri­cul­tur­al land extend­ing into the hori­zon. For the inquis­i­tive, an inter­pre­tive self-guid­ed walk around the base of the gran­ite out­crop will reveal some of the secrets of Mount Monster.

A mosa­ic of soil types sur­round­ing the out­crops rang­ing from shal­low stony soil to dark brown loams sup­ports a diverse ecosys­tem of bush­land includ­ing blue and pinkgum wood­land, mallee, broom­bush heath and gold­en and prick­ly wat­tle shrub­lands. Sheoaks, banksias and hakeas are oth­er pre­vail­ing species, and in spring, a spec­tac­u­lar­ly rich diver­si­ty of wild­flow­ers includ­ing orchids can be seen. The park also pro­vides an impor­tant refuge for wildlife includ­ing kan­ga­roos, wal­la­bies, echid­nas, wood­land birds, and reptiles.

With all this to offer, Mount Mon­ster will quick­ly become a favourite park for fam­i­ly pic­nics, hikes, wild­flower view­ing and bird watching.