Mamungari Conservation Park

Mamungari Conservation Park

Park fees:
Free entry
1230km from Adelaide
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Mamungari Con­ser­va­tion Park con­tains arid zone wilder­ness. The park, which fea­tures red sand dunes cov­ered with desert kar­ra­jong, aca­cias, desert gums and salt lakes, is of cul­tur­al sig­nif­i­cance to the Mar­alin­ga Tjarut­ja Peo­ples, who are its tra­di­tion­al owners.

While dis­cov­er­ing the park by foot, look out for the wildlife that inhab­it the area’s harsh con­di­tions, includ­ing the princess par­rots, scar­let-chest­ed par­rots and the Aus­tralian bustards.

Sev­er­al per­mits are required to trav­el through this area. Due to the park’s remote­ness, vis­i­tors must be well-equipped and expe­ri­enced in out­back 4WD travel.